Activism / News
ACLU (Civil liberties)
Amnesty International
Ars Technica (Technical news)
Arts & Letters Daily (News)
CDT (Technological activism)
Center For Digital Democracy (Technological activism)
Chilling Effects (First Amendment)
Common Dreams (News) (CrimethInc collective activism)
Downhill Battle (Music / peer-to-peer activism)
EFF (Technological activism)
EPIC (Privacy)
Food Not Bombs
Fort Culture
Free The West Memphis Three
Furious Seasons (Mental health)
Girl-Mom (Parenting)
Guerrilla Girls
Hactivismo (Technological activism)
Hactivist (Technological activism)
In These Times (News)
Independent Media Center (News)
Industrial Workers Of The World (Union)
Lawrence Lessig (Law)
Michael Moore (The filmmaker behind "Roger & Me," "TV Nation" and "The Awful Truth")
Music Maker Relief Foundation
Monkeyfist (News / activism)
Mother Jones (News)
Move On
NARAL (Abortion rights)
The Nation (News)
No Logo (Naomi Klein's site)
NPR (National Public Radio)
Open Government Information Awareness (Political research)
Tom (Opinion)
People For The American Way (Activism)
PETA (Animal rights)
PETA's Ingredients List (List of animal ingredients in foods and other consumer products)
Planned Parenthood
Plastic (News)
Project Censored (News)
The Register (Technical news)
Clay Shirky (Technical essays and analysis)
Sweatshop Watch
Utne Reader (News)
Vegetarian Resource Group
Washington Monthly (News)
We Interrupt This Message
ZNet / Z Magazine